The movie starts with a boy named Miles Morales who is a normal student at school. He gets bitten by a radioactive spider in a tunnel under the subway, and ends up finding Spiderman in a battle. He and Spiderman realize they are both bitten by a radioactive spider, and Miles will also be Spiderman. Right after that though, Spiderman is killed, and no one is left to defend the city.
The villain, Kingpin, made a portal between dimensions to try and get his family back after they died. This causes Spidermans from different realities to defeat Kingpin. Miles slowly learns how to be Spiderman throughout, and eventually saves everyone.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It was great to watch, and had many climatic parts to it. It had a good mix of comedy and action to make if entertaining to watch. It also was designed to look like it came from a comic book, which I greatly enjoyed a well.